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Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes: 26

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[Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes]

This page features modular boxes of various shapes and sizes which have been decorated with origami butterflies. These boxes were all designed by Tomoko Fuse. However, to create the butterflies, I followed the instructions in Michael LaFosse's Origami Butterflies: Elegant Designs from a Master Folder by Michael G. LaFosse and Richard L. Alexander (Tuttle Publishing, 2013).
In some cases, the butterflies have been sewn to the lid with a few stitches of cotton thread. In other cases, the bodies of the butterflies have been tucked into flaps on the lids. To fasten the butterflies more securely, I have sometimes applied a dab of rubber cement.

[Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes]
[Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes] [Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes] [Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes] [Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes]
[Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes] [Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes] [Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes] [Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes]
[Modular Butterfly-Decorated Boxes]
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