Teresa's Origami Kusudama, Ornaments, Decor and Accessories
 Also See My Origami Boxes, Bowls, 
 Tatos, and Other Containers 
[----------------------- Kusudama Styles --------------------]


Intermediate Origami Class

Learn origami -- and make new friends!
See Also: Beginners' Class    

Starting in January 2024, Teresa is teaching an origami class for intermediate-level folders on the fourth Saturday of every month (except July and August) at the North Port Public Library in North Port, Florida. Some models folded by her students are shown below. Many thanks to Eva Krik for taking these beautiful photos and giving permission for them to be displayed here.

This class features origami models that are somewhat more complex and challenging than the models taught in Teresa's origami class for beginners. Intermediate folders are expected to already know most of the basic origami folds and the symbols used to represent them in origami diagrams. The pace of instruction in this class is a bit faster than in the beginners' class, but one-on-one help from the instructor will still be provided as needed.


To see the class schedule and learn more or register online, you can access the library's event calendar by going to https://scgovlibrary.librarymarket.com/events/month and selecting North Port Public Library. (Don't forget to click on the "Confirm Selection" button at the bottom of the page.)

Teresa also teaches a beginner-level origami class at the library. For more information about that class, click here.

Models Folded by Intermediate Students at January 2024 Class

Here are some lovely versions of an origami model called the Heart-Shaped Flowery Plate, designed by Tomoko Fuse. This model is a good example of modular (or unit) origami -- a type of origami which entails folding a number of modules (or units), usually identical, and then assembling them without the use of tape, glue, or other adhesive.

[Flowery Heart-Shaped Plate] [Flowery Heart-Shaped Plate] [Flowery Heart-Shaped Plate]

For more information about this model, click here.

The Heart-Shaped Flowery Plate requires four units. Folding each unit is challenging because of three tricky steps which give the unit its three-dimensional shape. The assembly is also challenging because the units can slide out of position during the final steps of the assembly process. The model is not completely stable until all of the units have been firmly locked in place.

All students in the January class were able to complete this somewhat difficult model. As the year continues, more images of student work will be posted to this page.

12 Roses for My Mum | Alternate Fixes | Alternative Pockets | Anchor | Anise | Astrantia | Aurora Kusudama | Ballade | Bitterroot | Bluetenball | Bottle Kusudama | Butterfly Sonobe | Canopus | Center Bows A
Center Gathering | Chrysanthemums | Clematis B | Coloration | Coquette | Corner Pockets | Corolla Variation | Covered Bows | Cross Ball | Curler Unit Ball | Curls 1 | Curves | Cyanin Kusudama | Delicata
Dimpled With Curls | Disco Ball | Dodecaedro Traforato | Electra | Equilibrium | Este Sonobe | Esterre Sonobe | Etna Variation | Fagonia | Farandola | Farandola Fans | Farandola Florida | Farandola Gemma | Farandola Granda
Fasett Pinwheel | Fasett Sonobe | Fiorella Kusudama | Flat Units | Four Way Winding | Gemstone Sonobe | Glow Flower Festival | Hanasuisha Lantern | Hearts Kusudama | Helica Kusudama | Imperial Rose Sonobe | Infiny 1 | Infiny 2 | Isa Kusudama
Isolde Sonobe | Kiriko Lantern | Laguna | Lorence Sonobe | Maki Hanabishi | Mambo Variation | Mandragora | Miki | Mina 1 | Mina 2 | Momotani Flower Ball | Morning Glory | Oleander | Ornamental Ball
Parallelograms A | Parallelograms B | Passiflora Delicata | Passiflora Ornata | Patterned Icosahedron | Peony | Petals | Pirand | Pretty Ball Kusudama | Primrose | Puff Ring Unit Ball | Rhombic Patches | Rocca Kusudama | Rolled Pockets
Rondo | Rose Unit Icosahedron | Roxane | Royal Rose Sonobe | Ruffles | Sakuradama | Sashes Narrow | Sashes Wide | Sections B | Selene Sonobe | Shining Jade | Skella Alpha | Skella Beta 1 | Skella Beta 2
Skella Gamma | Sky Star Kusudama | Snap Icosahedron | Sparaxis | Spike Ball | Star Flower | Starsea | Stella Conica | Stellated Cuboctahedron | Sunshine | Tokyo Cherry | Universe Kusudama | Verbena with Standing Folds | Waltz Sonobe
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